RRB Bilaspur Recruitment 2020 – Latest Notification, Apply Online for Railways

RRB Bilaspur Recruitment 2025– for various positions. Need a career in Indian railways? You are landed at the right page. Recently in 2025 RRB has announced its vacancy for RRB Bilaspur 2025 openings for all positions. If you are a fresher or an experienced candidate, you can apply for the different positions via online. RRB Bilaspur apply online 2025 registration link is given below. We request the Candidates to go through the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) syllabus, prepare well and also practice the RRB Bilaspur’s previous year exam question papers to crack it.

Any candidate can apply for the RRB Bilaspur Recruitment 2025 rrbbilaspur.gov.in based on their region. There is a great opportunity here for all the candidates who are looking for the RRB Bilaspur Jobs.

In this article, the candidates can get all the needed details like the RRB Bilaspur Vacancy, latest notification, application fee, eligibility criteria, selection process, how to apply online,  academic qualification, salary pay scale and other information regarding RRB Bilaspur Recruitment 2025.

This is a special page (updated on March 14 ,2025) from Govtjobvacancy.in for the latest recruitment notification rrb.bilaspur.gov.in RRB Bilaspur notification 2025. We will update all other information regarding the RRB Bilaspur Jobs 2025 on our website.

RRB Bilaspur Recruitment

RRB Bilaspur Latest Job Openings 2025:: (697 Vacancies)

  • Junior Engineer
  • DMS
  • CMA
  • NTPC(Various Posts)

What are the Eligibility Criteria for RRB Bilaspur?

If you feel that this can be your dream Jobs in Railways and willing to apply for the post of your choice, then you should meet the below-mentioned eligibility conditions

1) Applicant must be an Indian Citizen.

2) Age Limit: Aspirants/applicants should be a minimum of 18 years old and maximum age should not exceed 32 years (For General Candidates Only). However, there is age relaxation for the reserved category.

3) Educational Qualification: Minimum +2 and graduates can apply for various RRB Bilaspur vacancies.

Selection Procedure for RRB Bilaspur 2025:

  • RRB looks for the online applications from the applications received through “Employment News” which is a publication of the Government of India for various Technical and non-technical categories.
  • The employment notification is also published on the Internet website (http://www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in/). Indicative notification is also given through National & Local dailies for wide circulation for it to reach everyone.
  • The applications, as received in response to such notification that is passed by the officials, are checked for eligibility and the eligible candidates are called for Computer Based Test with call letters being hosted on this website well in advance of the date of the test that is to be conducted.
  • If numbers of candidates are large, the candidates who are qualified in the preliminary exam are called for the next stage test, and the merit list is prepared based completely upon the result of the main test. In most of the categories of recruitment, there is no interview after the written examination.
  • But for a very few specific categories, there is a viva session after the written exam. While for certain other categories there are skill tests like typing test or stenography which means the transcription of speech test. For categories related to operational safety like Assistant Station Master (Bilaspur), Assistant Loco Pilot there will also be an aptitude test.
  • Finally, the successful candidates are called for Document Verification for the scrutiny of original documents. A panel of names is then recommended to Zonal Railways to the extent of vacancies. The candidates will be required to pass the prescribed medical examination that is to be conducted by the Railways before the appointment.

RRB Bilaspur 2025 Application Fee:

Aspirants must pay the following amount as their application fee as stated in the govt. website,

  • General & OBC Category Candidates: Rs.500/-
  • Application Fee for SC/ST Candidates is Rs.250/-

Exam Pattern for RRB Bilaspur:

Prelims Exam: The Prelims Exam is a common Exam for all the posts. The Exam pattern comprises of 100 MCQ type Questions to be completed in a time period of 90 Minutes.

Here is the section wise break up of Prelims Exam

1) Arithmetic Ability: 25 Marks

2) General Science: 30 Marks

3) General Intelligence: 25 Marks

4) General Knowledge: 20 Marks

It is to be said that the Prelims exam is only a Qualifying Exam, and marks obtained in this exam, will have no bearing on the final merit.

Mains Exams: Successful candidates in the Prelims exam will be called for the Mains exam. The Mains Exam has the weightage of 70% in the final Merit

Aptitude test: Those who are successful in the Mains Exam will be called for an Aptitude test, that is Qualifying in nature. The aptitude test carries weightage of 30% in the final Merit exam.

Final Merit: The Final Merit comprises of  Marks obtained in the Mains Exam (70%) and also Aptitude test (30%) taken together.

How to Apply Online For RRB Bilaspur Vacancy 2025:

  1. Candidates can click on ‘NEW REGISTRATION’ to apply to RRB.
  2. Select RRB for which the candidate wishes to submit the application and click on the ‘APPLY NOW’ option.

The stages in registration are as follows:

  1. In the Preliminary Registration page, select the qualification the candidates possess from the drop-down list. Only those, which are relevant to the RRB for which the candidate is applying, will be displayed in this list.
  2. Fill in the other personal details like Name, Father’s name, Date of birth, Community, Email Id, Mobile number and other details. The details should match that of their 10th class certificate/marks sheet.
  3. The next stage is the activation, where the email id and the mobile number of the candidate are validated and the Registration Number is generated.
  4. The candidates can proceed to the Second Stage of registration next through the ‘Candidate Login’ menu from the home page of the registration portal and login with their Registration ID and Date of birth.
  5. In this stage, the list of posts (in the selected RRB) which a candidate is eligible is displayed. The candidates have to set their preferences for the various job roles that they are eligible for, in the RRB and for which they are applying to.
    They also have to fill in their Educational Qualification details, experience details (if any) and also their address for communication.
  6. Next, the candidates proceed to the Third Stage of Registration where they can pay the application fee through various modes like debit or cards or post office chalan.
  7. In the fourth stage of registration, candidates have to upload their scanned copy of the passport size color photograph.

Also, print out the application for your future reference.


Why GovtJobVacancy for RRB BILASPUR RECRUITMENT 2025 Free Job Alert?

GovtJobVacancy is the one-stop place for RRB Bilaspur notification across India. GovtJobVacancy ensures that all the job seekers must be notified with the latest RRB Bilaspur vacancy.

So that we help both fresher and the experienced graduates to get recruitment notification on recent RRB Bilaspur recruitment 2025 openings across India.

GovtJobVacancy is a leading job website for all Government job recruitment notification. We update this page daily to present all the recruitment notification and job openings from RRB Bilaspur. So this is the exclusive recruitment page for RRB Bilaspur job openings.

This page is an exclusive page for the Latest recruitment notification from RRB Bilaspur job vacancy 2025. This page contains all the latest and recent job openings and recruitment notification from RRB Bilaspur 2025. We provide upcoming bank job details also on this page.

This page has the upcoming recruitment process details as Job notification Details, Job Location, Interview Dates, Interview process, Online Application Form, Eligibility, Qualifications, selection tips, Fees Details And Job Notifications From RRB Bilaspur.

Railway Recruitment Board job openings in India

In a Nutshell

Thus our site covers all the job openings that are been published recently by both the public and the private sectors. govtjobvacancy plays a major role in connecting people with the jobs that they prefer.

Here we have listed railway Bilaspur recruitment 2025. Hope you know about the latest notifications, apply online process and other details for RRB Bilaspur vacancy 2025. All the best for your career as a Railway employee.

All the details from top to bottom are been provided. If you want to know about the various job openings all over India please do visit govtjobvacancy.in to know more.

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